Why Choose Music ID?

Helping academics, librarians and

students explore music around the world

Imagine a resource that links data on music from around the world with industry trends, commercial facts and the wider social and cultural environment. Music ID is a powerful tool that joins together a diverse selection of resources to reveal what really happened and show the true context in which music was produced.

Quantify the cultural impact of music.

Data for your insights. See what's invisible to others.

Aristotle, "The soul never thinks without an image".

Music ID: Research questions addressed

Giving academics and academic institutions a competitive edge

    • Makes new lines of academic enquiry possible
    • Reveals the impact of music in social, political, and cultural contexts worldwide
    • Facilitates rigorous investigation in the humanities
    • Provides the opportunity to deliver new and inventive courses
    • Supports the trend towards interdisciplinary academic study
    • Attracts new students seeking industry-applied research opportunities
    • Facility to export data and graphs for use in articles, papers and lectures

Reliability, flexibility and breadth and depth of coverage for busy librarians

    • Simple to access, easy to use
    • Reliable platform with options for remote access
    • A range of pricing options and offers
    • Keeps track of usage and statistics
    • A popular resource that is attractive to students and enhances coursework
    • Gives academic institutions an advantage with new and unique information
    • Supports interdisciplinary studies, music, business and the humanities

Helping students uncover new and exciting ways to study and challenge

    • Easy to access, use and explore
    • Builds understanding of the commercial context of music
    • Facility to export data and graphs for use in coursework
    • Gives access to broader research material and new lines of enquiry
    • Demonstrates musical achievements of musicians, songwriters and composers cross countries and cultures
    • Links academic study with real world opportunities in the arts, media and publishing

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