PDC - Directories

Philosophy Documentation Centre principle publishing areas

Journals Philosophy Research Index International Directory of Philosophy and Philosophers


The International Directory of Philosophy contains all listings from the well-known Directory of American Philosophers andInternational Directory of Philosophy and Philosophers, covering philosophical activity in 130 countries. All listings can now be accessed and updated online.

  • approximately 28,000 philosophers in over 130 countries
  • 2,900 university departments / programs
  • 990 philosophical journals
  • 420 societies / associations
  • 350 research centers / institutes
  • 700 philosophy publishers

This is an essential reference work listing information on university philosophy departments and programs, philosophical societies, associations, research centers and institutes, journals, and philosophy publishers around the world. Together these works provide edited information for over 26,000 philosophers in 137 countries, as well as each philosopher's primary subject specialties.

The International Directory of Philosophy and Philosophers was established in 1965 with the support of UNESCO, and is the only edited survey of philosophical activity in Africa, Asia, Australasia, Europe, and Latin America.

The Directory of American Philosophers is the standard reference work for information about philosophical activity in the United States and Canada.