PDC Collections

Philosophy Documentation Centre principle publishing areas

Journals Philosophy Research Index International Directory of Philosophy and Philosophers

The PDC Journal Collections are one of the largest sources for philosophy journals in the world. It includes journals, book series, conference proceedings, and other publications from several countries. Coverage of most titles is complete, from volume 1 to the present. Subscribers to any title on our site may also search the fulltext of all available issues of all other titles. Current content includes:

  • Over 85,000 articles, reviews, and other documents - from 1890 to the present
  • Approximately 5,000 issues from over 100 journals, series, and other publications
  • Scholarly material in English, German, Spanish, French, Italian, and other languages

PDC is the only electronic source for most of the titles in this collection.

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Bundles are available in various subject areas: Analytic; Ancient; Applied; Business; Catholic; General Interest; Proceedings; Contemporary; Continental; History; Major; Religion; Mind; Science; Social; Teaching.

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The following titles are available from the Philosophy Documentation Center.

American Catholic Philosophical Quarterly

The American Journal of Semiotics

Ancient Philosophy

Augustinian Studies


Bowling Green Studies in Applied Philosophy

Bradley Studies

Bulletin de la Société Américaine de Philosophie de Langue Française

Business and Professional Ethics Journal

Business Ethics: The Magazine of Corporate Responsibility

Business Ethics Quarterly

Cahiers du Centre d’Études Phénoménologiques

Canadian Journal of Philosophy

Chiasmi International

Classical World


Croatian Journal of Philosophy

Dialogue: Canadian Philosophy Review (1998-2007)

Environment, Space, Place

Environmental Ethics

Environmental Philosophy

Epoché: A Journal for the History of Philosophy

Études Phénoménologiques

Faith and Philosophy


Graduate Faculty Philosophy Journal

The Harvard Review of Philosophy

Heidegger Studies

Hume Studies

Idealistic Studies

Inquiry: Critical Thinking Across the Disciplines

International Corporate Responsibility Series

International Directory of Philosophy

International Journal of Applied Philosophy

International Philosophical Quarterly

International Studies in Philosophy

International Studies in Philosophy Monograph Series

Irish Philosophical Journal

Journal for Peace and Justice Studies

Journal of Business Ethics Education

Journal of Catholic Social Thought

The Journal of Critical Analysis

Journal of Islamic Philosophy

Journal of Philosophical Research

The Journal of Philosophy

Journal of Philosophy: A Cross-Disciplinary Inquiry

Journal of Pre-College Philosophy

The Journal of Social Studies Research

The Leibniz Review

Letters of Francis William Newman, Chiefly on Religion

Levinas Studies

Logos: A Journal of Catholic Thought and Culture

Medieval Philosophy and Theology (1991-1994)

The Monist

New Nietzsche Studies

The New Scholasticism

New Vico Studies

The New Yearbook for Phenomenology and Phenomenological Philosophy

Newman Studies Journal

Newsletter of the Society for the Advancement of American Philosophy

Overheard in Seville: Bulletin of the Santayana Society

The Owl of Minerva

The Personalist Forum

Philo: A Journal of Philosophy

The Philosopher's Magazine

The Philosophical Review (1995-2004)

Philosophical Studies

Philosophical Studies of the American Catholic Philosophical Association

Philosophical Topics

Die Philosophin

Philosophy and History

Philosophy and Phenomenological Research

Philosophy and Theology

Philosophy in the Contemporary World

Philosophy Now

Philosophy Research Archives

Polish Journal of Philosophy

Proceedings of the American Catholic Philosophical Association

Proceedings of the International Association of Business and Society

The Proceedings of the Twentieth World Congress of Philosophy

Process Studies

Professional Ethics

Questions: Philosophy for Young People

Radical Philosophy Review

Radical Philosophy Review of Books

Radical Philosophy Today

The Review of Metaphysics

The Ruffin Series in Business Ethics

The Ruffin Series of the Society for Business Ethics

The Saint Augustine Lecture Series

Schutzian Research

Social Philosophy Today

Social Theory and Practice

The Southern Journal of Philosophy

Southwest Philosophy Review

The Southwestern Journal of Philosophy

Spiritual Goods: Faith Traditions and the Practice of Business

Studi Internazionali di Filosofia

Studia Neoaristotelica

Studia Phaenomenologica

Studies in Practical Philosophy

Symposium: Canadian Journal of Continental Philosophy

Teaching Ethics

Teaching Philosophy

Techné: Research in Philosophy and Technology


Thought: Fordham University Quarterly

Tradition and Discovery

Tulane Studies in Philosophy

The Works of Francis William Newman on Religion

Collection Development Bundle

POIESIS: Philosophy Online Serials